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Children's Ministry

Anchor 1

Sunday School

Children's Church 

Anchor Crew

There is Sunday school for all ages people, even the kids! Sunday school starts after the service starting at 10:30.


Do you have kids that are 4 years old and younger?


We have a nursery for the kids with workers ready to serve for our Sunday service and Sunday school time.

During the last song of the adult service, ages 4 through 2nd grade join for Children’s Church in room B-1. 


There is always someone who walks around and gathers the kids during the last song.


ANCHOR CREW is a fun time for kids ages K-6th Grade!


We join together on Thursdays after school from 3:45pm-5:15pm.


We offer transportation from Westfall Elementary School to Northwest Community Church for ANCHOR CREW. 


Complete with snacks, games, Bible stories, a missions time, songs and more! 




Vacation Bible

VBS will be June 3rd - 7th, daily from 9am - 12pm, for kids K-6th Grade. Click below to sign up.

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